Work With Danae

Request More Info About Working With Danae

It’s awesome that you are here and are interested in working together. I love partnering with like-minded women and watching them blossom as entrepreneurs!

Since becoming interested in the network marketing industry, I have checked out many companies, products, compensation plans and company perks - here are some of the reasons I chose the company I am with: 

✔️ STRONG core values that shine through every detail of the company

✔️ A product that is easy to talk about passionately

✔️ A product that helps change lives in many ways

✔️ A company that is generous with both consultants and customers

✔️ Leadership that supports right from the beginning

✔️ A product that is easy to promote online from home

✔️ A stable company with strict environmental/health standards 

✔️ A product that has impacted families and individuals for YEARS

Do any of these stand out as important to you? If this model fits you and who you are - you are in the right place!

If you’ve been looking at a side-hustle or even a way to go full-time online (on your own flexible schedule), it’s important to find something that you are passionate about! 

It would be AMAZING to work together, but I want to make sure that it’s a good fit for the both of us. Definitely keep this in mind as you go through the information here and consider applying!

I coach and train each member of my team - so I want to ensure that those who join my team are totally on board and ready to learn! 

The ideal candidate can say:

  • I am coachable
  • I am dependable
  • I am excited to create success
  • I am a pleasure to work with
  • I have a 'No-Excuses’ mindset

If this is you, I'd love for you to apply to join!


When you join the team, you will be joining thousands of others with the same passion and heartbeat as you - to help others! As your coach, this is my personal passion behind my business which is why I am so excited to have others on my team who can multiply our impact!

When you join the team, you’ll have access to:

A team of thousands eager to support you, answer questions and cheer you on!
A team of thousands eager to support you, answer questions and cheer you on!
Incredible training and resources to get you off to a great start (and keep your momentum strong!)
Incredible training and resources to get you off to a great start (and keep your momentum strong!)
Personal coaching with me
Personal coaching with me
Easily duplicable resources so you can run with your business from the get-go
Easily duplicable resources so you can run with your business from the get-go
Some pretty dang awesome rewards (like seriously generous)
Some pretty dang awesome rewards (like seriously generous)
Flexibility and autonomy to build your own dream
Flexibility and autonomy to build your own dream